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1PC Fruit Picking Tool V-shaped Blade-Type Stainless Steel Fruit Catcher Basket
1PC Fruit Picking Tool V-shaped Blade-Type Stainless Steel Fruit Catcher Basket
1PC Fruit Picking Tool V-shaped Blade-Type Stainless Steel Fruit Catcher Basket
1PC Fruit Picking Tool V-shaped Blade-Type Stainless Steel Fruit Catcher Basket
1PC Fruit Picking Tool V-shaped Blade-Type Stainless Steel Fruit Catcher Basket
1PC Fruit Picking Tool V-shaped Blade-Type Stainless Steel Fruit Catcher Basket

1PC Fruit Picking Tool V-shaped Blade-Type Stainless Steel Fruit Catcher Basket

  • MarkeMarkenlos
  • ProduktartSee description
  • Artikelnr.166720297365
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Revolutionary design for effortless fruit picking! The blade-shaped fruit is the tool for harvesting fruits from tall trees. Blade-Type sharped harvest fruits easily. Use the upper V-shaped mouth to hook the fruit and push the lower V-shaped mouth upward to pick the fruit.

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